Week of November 6, 2022

Today in Worship • “The Faith of the Family” • 1 John 3:1–3; Matthew 5:1–12, Revelation 7: 9–17 “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” (1 John 3:1). God’s word speaks clearly: We are a part of a family—the family of God—all because of what Jesus has done for us. We are a part of a family—the family of God at Prince of Peace/Príncipe de Paz—because Jesus has drawn us here by His design so we would share His love in word and deed. God has always been faithful and has demonstrated His love and undying commitment to us in Christ. We respond in faith as we trust in Him above all things. What would it look like for you to take a step of faith? How will people see Jesus in us as our congregation seeks to be faithful to His calling?

Bible Classes
Adult Sunday Morning Bible Class at 10:00 am • The class is led by Jim Essig. We are looking at the Gospel of Luke. Classes are in the Music Room during our 10:00 am Education Hour, between the 9 am & 11 am worship services.

SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR AGE 4 – GRADE 5: Foundations of Faith • Kids will make crafts, play games, and learn the basic truths about God using both Old Testament and New Testament stories. Kids will walk away from each class with a new “God is…” statement (i.e. “God is powerful” or “God is kind”). Sunday School meets upstairs in the Family Life Center classrooms from 10:00-10:45 on Sunday mornings.

“Kid Video” every week: Did you know that DCE Eric Gerken produces a weekly kid video that ties into the Foundations of Faith lesson? Great for kids, families, and adults. The video is posted weekly to our Facebook and YouTube channels. (Tip: start a faith-conversation with your kids or grandkids using that video as a starting place.)

YOUTH SUNDAY BIBLE CLASS (6th-12th) • “Word One Bible Studies” – a mixture of discussion and experiential learning – come check it out – in the far, upstairs classroom in the Family Life Center from 10:00am-10:45am.

Mid-week Bible Class for Adults • Wednesday Mornings 9:30am – 10:30am in the Board Room. Our topic is looking at Scriptures for the upcoming Sunday’s theme. Led by Pastor Ken.

Nursery Ministry – position open Do you know someone who might be interested in serving our children and families as our Sunday nursery attendant? Please contact eric.gerken@poporlando.com | 402-620-5877

LWML Peanut Sale – Last Day to Order! Forms and online orders are due back no later than Monday, November 7. https://poporlando.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/2022revPeanutorderform.pdf

Pint Jars Needed – until December 6 LWML ladies are asking for donations in advance of pint jars, wide mouth or regular ones, for the cookie/doggie treats sale in December. You can drop off the donations during the week in the church office or leave them in the narthex or FLC for the ladies. Thank you!

Pastor’s Reception –New to Prince of Peace or New-ish?  If you are new to Prince of Peace and have never had an opportunity to consider becoming a member, we invite you to consider taking that next step. We’ve designed our “Pastors’ Reception” on November 13 to be a place you can —

  • enjoy the refreshments provided;
  • interact with Pastors, staff, and members of the congregation and meet others who are new or new-ish to Prince of Peace/Príncipe de Paz;
  • hear what makes Prince of Peace/ Príncipe de Paz distinctive as a church;
  • learn about ways people of the congregation live out their faith to make a tangible difference in the lives of people here and for all eternity.

Send an email to staff@poporlando.com to RSVP or request more information.

Youth Trivia Fundraiser to Benefit Youth Ministry & Buchbach Family (Hurricane Ian recovery) Saturday, November 12 at 3pm • You can purchase tickets online or from the church office. The cost is $20 per person; half the proceeds will benefit future youth programs and half will assist the Buchbach family. John and Kristin Buchbach and their son, Johnnie, were displaced by Hurricane Ian and suffered substantial damage to their home not covered by insurance. Purchase tickets from the church office or online https://poporlando.breezechms.com/form/triviatickets22.

RaiseRight – Formerly Known as Scrip – Informal Meeting on Sunday, November 13 at 10 am – FLC Sunday, November 13, DCE Eric Gerken will be hosting an informal meeting for those interested in supporting our Youth using this unique program.  He will demonstrate how gift card purchases can be made in more cost-effective ways than those sold in stores and how our Youth receives a percentage back. Come see what this program is all about!

Thanksgiving Basket Outreach • Distribution is Friday, November 18 We are again sharing God’s love by providing turkeys for families in need. Our link to those in need is through local schools, and this year there will be 90 families receiving Thanksgiving meals. Please donate online or in person during the week or on Sunday morning at worship. Please mark your donation as “Thanksgiving Outreach” | https://poporlando.com/give/

Hurricane Ian Response Our FLGA District is on the leading edge of coordinating our church body’s disaster response. In addition to prayers, the greatest need is financial assistance as the district partners with LCMS Disaster Response to match grants for workers and congregations of more than $800,000. Your donations directly to the Florida-Georgia District Disaster Response Fund are truly needed and appreciated. If you would like to donate, learn more about the response, or volunteer, please visit https://flgadistrict.org/lert/.

PoP Preschool Do you know someone who might be looking for an amazing preschool for their child? While our infant and 1y/o classes are full, we still have limited openings for 2y/o through VPK. Call (407) 275-6703 to learn more!

Fruits of Faith
Worship Attendance: October 30
9:00 Traditional: 120 | 11:00 Contemporary: 55 | 11:00 Spanish: 59 | TOTAL: 234

Giving: Thank you for your faithful engagement in our ministry through your gifts and offerings.

October 16 offerings $12,166
October 23 offerings $10,915
October 30 offerings $17,350
needed each week: $11,202

Hospitalized or Recovering: Lori Bachman, Alice Darling, Joe Heinz, Jim Lord, Shirley Stockett,

Healing and Strength: Dave & Mary Ann Ault, Rebecca Brooks, Delores B, Michael B, Donna C, Karin Collins (friend of Nina Cavalli-Rojas), Danny Conlin, Linda Dicks, Gail Eaton, John Elmore, Judy & Jim Finnie, Ginny Fussell, Rev. Dennis Glander, Bob Hahn, Michael Halstead, Orion James, Merle Kroeplin, Karen Melick, Jeff Powell, Nitza Rohena, Nancy Schloemer, Rex Serio, Cindy Sibley, Meridith Swanson (back), Sonia Tellez, Cricket Winters, Leon W, Linda Zamsky

Receiving Treatments: Barbara Browne, Rev. Amy Bradley, Sarah vB, Jan Fry, Kent Jespersen, Dorothy R, Rev. Brian Roberts, Elena Santana, Marleen S, Cathy Smith, Jeff S, Joni S, Janet V, Debbie W, Dayton Whites, Brenda Williams

Continued Care: Chuck Boogher, Kelly DeFrietas, Al Dicks, Eleanor Eaton, Bob and Colleen E, Linda House, Minnie Hutchinson, Linda Jackson, Bill Jordan, Joan & Otto K, Mary K.M, Joyce Miller, Todd O, Annette Royal, Betty Schnell, Caitlyn Thoms, Michael, Noel, & Roger V, Harry Wahl, Gloria White

Special: Heavenly Father, we thank You for lavishing Your love on us through Jesus. Empower us by Your Spirit as we respond to Your love and walk in faith. • We continue to pray for recovery efforts for Hurricane Ian, both for those who are recovering locally as well as those in Southwest Florida. We pray for our FLGA District as they coordinate recovery efforts, especially for churches and church-workers • We pray for the elections to be held November 8. We thank God for this nation where we can exercise our right to vote. • We ask the Lord to be with President Biden, members of Congress, and the Supreme Court, as well as all state and local leaders. • We pray for those who serve our nation in the armed services. We also ask the Lord to watch over and keep our first responders safe.

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